Thursday, July 24, 2008


Tori's first real smile was when she was 5 weeks old. By 7 weeks she was starting to smile a little more, and now at 8 weeks it is fairly easy to get her to crack one! it's so fun watching her learn new things! This is her Sunday dress, she wont be able to wear it anymore as I could barely get the buttons done up around her chubby waist last Sunday! She is growing up so fast. She has grown out of most newborn sized clothes and is getting chunkier by the day!!! A lot of her hair is falling out too, that makes me so sad. =-( I think it is going to come back in blond just like her big brothers.


Wendy said...

She is so cute and so chubby! I love all those rolls! I can't believe how much she's changed. It's true what people say---the more kids you have, the faster they grow up!