Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Who am I?
Posted by Ashlee at 8:35 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Biting rampage

Posted by Ashlee at 5:49 PM 7 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Our Date - The Dark Knight!
Saturday was our date for the month. We took the chance to go see the new Batman movie. Jes had been excited for months before this day and the movie didn't let him down. We also ate at "Steak and Shake" for the first time ever. It was surprising good. As Jes said, "That was the best date night since the last time I planned it".
Posted by Ashlee at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Posted by Ashlee at 6:43 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mason Dancing
Lately, Mason's been dancing for us. Tonight, he decided to get dressed up before his dance. No, we weren't going swimming. =) See the video...
Posted by Ashlee at 6:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Memory Lane
I am stealing this from Stacy, who stole it from Ali...It sounded fun!Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Posted by Ashlee at 6:53 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Weaver Trip to Texas Continued...
Posted by Ashlee at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Weaver's Come to Texas!
Don, Jessica, and Shalynn came to visit us last week. It's been a fun-filled week with many adventures! We visited the Texas State History Museum in downtown Austin, saw the Congress Bridge bats, canoed down Town Lake, played games, and ate lots of food! Town Lake from the Congress Bridge. We had a nice relaxing picnic in Zilker Park, then rented a canoe and took turns rowing up and down the river. It was fun! Mason was the only one that brought his swim suit, so he had a fun time swimming. Unfortunately, Jes fell in the river helping Mason out once, but since it was nearly 100 degrees, it was a welcomed cool off. Jes, Don, Shalynn, and Mason were taking the canoe back to the dock, and they decided to let Mason swim one last time in the middle of the river. When he was done, Don and Shalynn were leaning out of the canoe pulling Mason in and a oar fell out the other side. At the same time, they both went to grab it and WHOOSH! We all went flying into the river! Jes came out of the water and immediately looked for Mason who was still in the boat, floating away! He started crying when he realized he was all alone, but Jes and Don swam to him and swam the boat to the shore. Shalynn swam around and gathered all the oars! At the shore, in our attempt to get into the boat, we all fell in again! Then we sunk the canoe! We were able to get the canoe up and emptied and finally got it returned. Completely soaked, we returned the boat to the dock and handed them a wet 20 dollar bill for payment.
Posted by Ashlee at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Little bird
We have a nest of birds on our back porch. All summer we have been watching the little babies grow up! This is the second set we have had this year. 2 nights ago Jes found one of the babies on the driveway. It was unable to fly. We don't know if it was hurt or if it was just learning and couldn't quite figure it out. Either way, Jes picked it up and took it to the porch near the nest thinking the Mommy could find it easier and it would be protected under the porch. When we went out later, it was still wandering around on the porch. Jes decided to try and feed it a bug, and when he got close enough to give it to it, the little bird jumped right onto Jes' hand! It was so cute! We went and got Mason and let him hold it. He did a good job of being gentle. The bird was still on the porch the next morning, but was gone by the afternoon. I hope it figured out how to fly and is okay. Mason named it Victoria!
Posted by Ashlee at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July 4th Party at Taylor's!!!
Mason trying out the big slide!!!
Posted by Ashlee at 8:11 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Heavenly Sleep!!!
So, we kicked Victoria out of our room last night. She is just way to noisy when she sleeps and it keeps us awake all night. I have never heard a baby that was so loud!!! She grunts and snorts all night long!!! I decided after waking up yesterday morning exhausted that it would be the last sleepless night due to grunting. I woke Tori up just before I went to bed around 10:30 and fed her, and then put her to bed in her crib in her own room. I felt sad and guilty about kicking her out so soon. Mason stayed in our room for 3 months... She is only 5 weeks! I went to bed around 11:00, and when we woke up at 6:30 this morning I realized something wonderful! We had our first full night of sleep since she was born!!! She slept all night and so did Mason! It was a miracle!!! Oh how nice it was to get to sleep all night long!!!
Posted by Ashlee at 10:23 AM 3 comments