Saturday, February 26, 2011

Valentines Day

Valentines Day has never been a big holiday at the Taylor household. In fact, it's gone pretty much unnoticed in past years; however, now with the kids, it's making a resurgence. This year, Tori and Mason got to make Valentines day "mailboxes". One night Ashlee was gone, so Daddy and the kids made Mommy valentines day cards and decorated cookies. The cookies were so greatly decorated, that Mommy just couldn't bring herself to eat them, so we ended up at Baskin Robbins (on behalf of Grandma Vickie).
Mason and Tori also made Daddy a couple of cookies and cards which he had no problem eating.

Baskin Robbins bounty!

Happy kids!

Mason took a picture of his ice cream cone.

This was Tori's cookie she made for Mommy.

Here was Mason's cookie that he made for Mommy.

Mason, making his cookie.

The cookie project. When given so many options, why wouldn't you use them all?!!?

Mason's valentine's box...


Mason said...

i like my valentines box mommy